Piszki Lab | EN

My case study in the clouds…

vCloud Director 5.5: The Host Spanning configuration on this host is not up to date.


Recently we practiced how to move root disks between the ESXi hosts. The whole procedure is simple and works very well, requires only after the fact make small adjustments in the environment. Among other things, this procedure causes jitter settings related to vCD Network Isolation . The result of which is the following alert:



The only way to remove this error is the following procedure:

– In vCenter – place the host into “maintenance mode”

– In vCD – disable host

– In vCD – unprepare host

– In vCD – prepare host

– In vCenter – exit from the “maintenance mode”

After its execution, everything returns to normal.


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Author: Piotr Pisz

Computer always, since I got a Commodore 64 at the end of primary school, through his beloved Amiga and Linux infinite number of consoles, until today, fully virtual day. Since 2001, Unix/Linux Systems Administrator, for seven years a faithful companion and protector of Solaris system, until his sad end. In the year 2011 came in the depths of virtualization, then smoothly ascended into the clouds and continues there today. Professionally working as Systems Architect in the Polish Security Printing Works.

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