When planning the implementation of Trend Micro Deep Security, the environment in which it operates vCloud Director, you should pay attention to one of the configuration parameters in vCD, which can not be changed from the web console. By default, the time in which the machine catalog model (template), we generate a new machine in vCD (shadow copy) is not generated new UUID for the BIOS of the machine (all machines have the UUID as a master machine). Activation in the Deep Security virtual machine ends with the following message:
In accordance with what is described in this KB , vCD 1.0 if we use it we need to master the machine vmx file to remove the line uuid.bios (when you start the machine without uuid.bios, a number will be assigned automatically and added to the vmx file). When we vCD 1.5 (and later), we need to perform on the database (Oracle / MSSQL) the following command:
update config set value = ‘0’ where cat=’vcloud’ and name=’backend.cloneBiosUuidOnVmCopy’;
And then restart the vCD ( all its instances, if you have more than one cell). But beware, this change does not interfere with existing equipment, only the newly generated will have a unique UUID. For machinery spaces previously generated the first method. That is why it is so important to change based on the data entered once at the time of installation of the vCloud Director! I will say more, even if you do not plan to implement Deep Security, we introduce the change from the start to work with vCloud Director. Using duplicate UUID is not the best solution :)
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